Joshua Beckford: Youngest boy to attend university at 6 set to visit Nigeria, build school in Kaduna ▷ Nigeria news

Joshua Beckford: Youngest boy to attend university at 6 set to visit Nigeria, build school in Kaduna ▷ Nigeria news

- Joshua Beckford, named one of the smartest kids on the planet, is coming to Lagos, Nigeria
- The genius plans to raise fund and build a school in Kaduna state
- At six, Beckford emerged the youngest person with autism to be accepted to Oxford University where he studied philosophy and history
Beckford was named as one of the most intelligent children in the world as he graduated from the prestigious Oxford University at age 14.
The genius is expected to visit Nigeria where he is to raise fund for the building of a school project in Kaduna state.
The chairman Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, among other Nigerians tweeted and retweet the coming of Beckford to Nigeria.
“This is Joshua,who became the youngest to study in Oxford University at age 6 and graduated age 14 from the department of History and Philosophy. He will be in Lagos for the fundraising of his school building project in Kaduna. He is regarded as one of the world's smartest human.”
Despite being diagnosed with high functioning autism, Beckford was reported to be an early starter. As a 10 months old baby he could read, write and understand the alphabet. At two, he could read fluently and by the time he clocked three, Beckford could speak Japanese. reported earlier that Joshua Beckford, at age six when most kids are still learning to read, write and count, was intellectually ready to attend one of the best universities in the world, Oxford University.
The brilliant youngster studied philosophy and history, courses designed for gifted kids between the ages of eight and 13, Beckford completed both with distinctions.


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